Where Pigeons go to Die

I saw this movie when I was a kid and it went straight to my heart. It’s a masterpiece for us, the pigeon fanciers. It’s about discovering the pigeon hobby at an early age. It’s about life. Why don’t we have such movies nowadays? The current technology could produce wonderful movies about racing pigeons, and nope, I don’t talk about documentaries on how to become a champion, but movies for the general audience.

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Probiotics – Bacteria Keeping Your Pigeons Healthy

We can fight salmonella by taking care of the good bacteria in the pigeon’s gut. We should try to avoid the use of antibiotics, which will also kill the good bacteria and later this will allow the growth of pathogens. The good bacteria can also be affected by stress, for example after a hard race. This is when the probiotics become useful.

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Canker in Pigeons – Trichomoniasis Prevention Tips

Trichomoniasis (or canker, by its common name used by most fanciers) is the most common disease of the pigeons. It is said that most of the pigeons are infected with canker during their lives, but it rarely shows symptoms of the disease in mature birds. This article discusses the racing pigeon canker management mostly but the information applies to any pigeon breed.

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